Mango Health Benefits, Health Benefits Of Mango, Uses Of Mango - Vestige Naukri

Mango Health Benefits, Health Benefits Of Mango, Uses Of Mango 

Health benefits :

1 . Prevent cancer :
Research mango fruit antioxidant Compounds in the colon , breast , leukemia and prostate cancer have been found to protect against the day. These compounds quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, Gallic acid and methylgallat, as well as the enzymes are abundant .

2 . Cholesterol lowering :
Fiber , pectin and vitamin C , especially high levels of low -density lipoprotein ( bad thing ) , to help reduce serum cholesterol levels.

3 . Clear Skin :
Can be used both internally and externally for the skin . Mangos to clear clogged pores and pimples .

4 . Eye Health :

A cup of sliced ​​mango promotes good eyesight and prevents night blindness and dry eyes in the vitamin A, supplying 25 percent of the needed daily value .

5 . Total body Alkalizes:
Tartaric acid , malic acid , and citric acid found in fruit trace of the body to help maintain the alkaline reserve .

6 . Helps in diabetes :
Mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood . Traditional home on the night of boiling water by soaking the leaves , in the morning and then take a decoction of the filter . Mango fruit is also very low glycemic index ( 41-60 ), there is such a modern dimension to your sugar levels spike .

7 . Better Sex :
Mangos sex drive and the connection between vitamin E was originally created by the mouse studies did not make a false normalization of vitamin E. A great source , more research in this area contributes to a balanced amount ( the amount of food ) has shown .

8 . Improves digestion :
Papaya contains enzymes breaking down the protein is not the only fruit . This healthy mango quality , there are many fruits . Mangos in the fiber also helps digestion and elimination .

9 . Compensation for heat stroke :
Juicing fruit and water from the green mango and sweet to meet up with a cold, the body and helps the body to prevent the harm . Visiting the strong equatorial weather " sun energy ", especially in the muscles , because your body is burning up from an Ayurvedic perspective , because people often get as a diuretic and exhausted . This process has become overloaded with toxins from the kidneys .

10 . The convenience of the immune system :

Mangos vitamin C and vitamin A , carotenoids plus generous amounts of 25 different types to keep your immune system healthy and strong .