Health Benefits of Phalsa - MY VESTIGE

Falsa fruit many traditional health benefits. According to "The World Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants," phalsa an astringent, cooling, and is stomatic. In Vedic times, the bark was used as a sedative and as a treatment for arthritis acts. Ground leaves pustular infection, and E. coli possess strong antimicrobial and antibacterial properties to treat capable of remedying.
Phalsa confirmed by the scientific community has many health benefits:
- According to an article published in Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pakistan, phalsa thereby having a positive effect on blood glucose metabolism, have a low glycemic index fruit. Simply put, fruits such as diabetes, blood sugar is a good choice for those with problems.
- Like other purple-skinned fruit, phalsa because of his amazing free-radical scavenging activities of the radiation protection properties.
- Amazing, "Der Pharma Chemica" published in a 2011 study that found falsa fruit and breast cancer cells and liver cancer cells, leaves against the anti significant. This traditional fruit against diseases like cancer, confirmed the original application.
- According to a study published in "International Journal of Food Science and Technology," phalsa so much its traditional use as an antifungal and antimicrobial support, inhibited fungal growth.